KOCH COMICS, THE WEREHOUSE located in the heart of BROOKLYN. SEE OUR KOCHCOM ICS E BAY STORE FOR A NON-STOP AVALANCHE OF COMICS, TOYS, BOOKS, MOVIE MEMORABILIA, VINYL AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND (not always sure WHAT you will find, but you WILL FIND). DIZZY GILLESPIE AT VILLAGE GATE (1979). 24″ x 37″ Concert Poster. Aug 28-Sept 9 SIGNED. S Poster 24″x37″ VERY GOOD Condition. See the pictures and message with any questions or concerns. Check out our E bay store for spectacular sales and Specials. (Everyday is a holiday in Brooklyn). Check out our other auctions!!! More sets, more breakouts, more trade paperbacks, more movies and horror.